Thursday, February 19, 2015

Backroad Rambling

I had to get out of the house today. I'm a homebody so it takes a while for cabin fever to set in, especially in the country. It's been cold the past week and although I thought spring was right around the corner, I'm being denied my chance to dig in the ground. There are signs of life though. It will be soon.

I took Eben and drove around the backroads around our house. Tahlequah is at the base of the Ozarks so there are both hills and plains, rocks and creeks. So much stuff to look at. I love the back roads here; farms and hillbillies and cemeteries and Baptist summer camps. I let Eben pick the direction at each crossroads. It was fun to explore. I'm also checking out routes for my bike rides.

There is a tree beside the house that is about to blossom. I think it's an oriental pear.

Here's a fun sight on a backroad; wonder if the farmer would let us have worship there. ;)

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