Friday, February 20, 2015

Before We Kill And Eat You

Provocative title, eh? Actually it's a title from a missionary book I read as a teen. :D It's what I think when I watch my dogs catch and play with wildlife. Moles, mice, field mice, rabbits, and chickens. Grr.

My only problem with them, aside from targeting chickens, is that they don't eat what they kill. They play with it, chew the head off or not, and then leave dead things in my yard. This isn't cool. I mean, I could be paying less for dog food and they are killing willy nilly. They don't even sell the pelts on the black market. These aren't poacher dogs. They are morally corrupt hunting dogs.

I usually forgive them because they are cute and I feel no responsibility for their souls. Just revulsion. ;) Here is an item from yesterday. I think it's a field mouse. As big as my hand.

Poor little guy. Well, maybe the coyote population will diminish if all the mice are gone. :) As long as my dogs keep to mice we will be on good terms. If they keep attacking my chickens, all I can think of is that scripture quoted in Shawshank Redemption; Judgement cometh. :D

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